Christian Education–>Via Dolorosa: The Painful Path

The Via Dolorosa consists of Jesus’ 14 stations of the cross processional path through a few winding streets of the Old City Jerusalem from the former Antonia Fortress (named after Mark Antony) (Pilate’s Palace)  to His Burial in the tomb (now The Church of the Holy Sepulchre), Approximately 660 yards long, a little less than half mile. 

The 14 Stations Include:

  1. Pilate’s Palace where Jesus was scourged and flogged with a whip  and tortured by the crown of plaited thorns
  2. Jesus was given the cross
  3. Jesus fell the first time
  4. Mary, Jesus’ mother, greets Him
  5. Simon of Cyrene carries the cross
  6. Veronica uses her veil to wipe Jesus’ face of blood, sweat, mud, spital 
  7. Jesus falls a second time
  8. Daughters of Zion weep for Jesus
  9. Jesus falls a third time
  10. Jesus is stripped of His garments. Anesthetic (wine)
  11. Jesus is nailed to the cross
  12. Jesus dies on the cross
  13. Jesus is removed from the cross
  14. Jesus is laid in the tomb of Joseph of Arimathea

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